1. It is the envirowhackos who have prevented the construction of refineries for more than two decades by filing frivolous suits on behalf of spotted owls and 3-legged-toads...suits that are rubber-stamped by Carter and Clinton judicial appointees.
2. The oil industry is in the business to make money. Capitalism. That being said, prices at the pumps for more than 3/4 of U.S. gas stations are set at each station not by giant conglomerates. This is because of antitrust laws. And such prices wouldn't be so high if federal and state governments didn't tax the hell out of liquid fuels. Granted home heating oil isn't taxed the same...but the government still takes its share.
3. People freezing to death? Parade of imaginary horribles without a scintilla of evidence to back it up. Give me a break. You sound like every leftist troll who posts here. Can't wait to hear your views on homelessness, Kyoto Treaty, and the Iraq War.
P.S. Give my regards to Comrade Sheehan during your next protest.
Piffle. Heating oil stocks are very high, and there are already programs to get heating oil to the needy.
I've heard all the arguments about democrats keeping a refinery out of the Northeast but that's just oil company/administration spin.
Piffle again. It isn't about local refineries. Oil products can be and are shipped from one side of the country to the other, and one side of the world to the other, when an order is placed. Lack of refineries will not affect the oil coming from Venezuela, for instance.
Home heating oil is nothing more than regular diesel oil, usually #2, though sometimes it has a different mix of additives. If you look at the price at your local gas station, you will see that the cost is higher than gasoline there, as well.
Hmmm, sounds like you favor big government to regulate prices. That's certainly not a conservative issue. I'm not surprised, you are a lawyer after all. Your screed belongs over on DU.
Get a few years under your belt and you'll understand economics and socialism a wee bit better. If you're already seasoned, you're a crack-pot.
Given that you started this rant with the words "The fact" it would be nice to see at least one fact in it.
I'm sure you can name someone who die because they couldn't afford to heat their home?
Other than miserable druggies who spent their $ on getting their next fix.
There are essentially four determinants to the cost of heating oil, or any other oil product: 1) the cost of a barrel of oil, 2) the cost to refine, 3) the cost of distribution, and 4) taxes. The US government can do essentially nothing to influence #1. #2 is has some control over by allowing more refineries to be built. #3 it has limited influence. #4 is has complete influence. But like any market, if you let the free market work, then the cost of refining will go down with competition, and the cost of distribution will also go down with distribution. Government intervention is not the solution, it's the problem.
This is a great and continuing mystery, although the low sulfur standard now required in diesel and home heating oil (essentially the same product) has driven the cost up.
There is no supply shortage. There is a shortage of refinery capacity. The Maine Coast would be an excellent place to put a huge new refinery. The Gulf of Maine would be a wonderful place to look for oil.
In re: pinched soul polemics and hyperbole you've demonstrated here which will drive people to vote for the democrats in the midterm elections!
The failure of the Bushes, both oil men, to formulate a sane energy policy will be the biggest dent in their "legacies." Very disappointing leadership on that issue. You're right about the election, too. My biggest fear is that George II will follow in his father's footsteps, and wimp out at the very moment soundly based Republican policies are most needed.