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To: armymarinedad
On the holiday page is a link saying "not what you are looking for click on the link to match your word Christmas.

Sure, Wal-Marts have a lot of Christmas stuff. The point is, why doesn't their website take you where you asked to go in the first place?? Why DON'T Kwanzaa and Ramadan and Hanukkah take you to 'holiday'? The are trying to equate Christmas with Holiday rather than just leaving it Christmas. If that's OK with you, great, but I think it is stupid.

328 posted on 11/09/2005 2:39:09 PM PST by Right Wing Assault ("..this administration is planning a 'Right Wing Assault' on values and ideals.." - John Kerry)
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To: Right Wing Assault
I don't mind shopping at a department store which caters to all religious holidays- it is capitalism but if a department store starts referring to Christmas merchandise as Holiday merchandise then i am done with it.

Here is something I found interesting.. if you go to Kwanzaa you find the children's book- Arthur's Christmas. If you enter Christmas there is no such direct link... strange. I know they mention Kwanzaa in the book- but the book and the message is about CHRISTMAS- not Kwanzaa. I will wait and see- Walmart is a great place to stop for tape and wrapping paper and other small items- but there are plenty of other places to get that stuff. Walmart has a positive history, IMO- It appears to me that someone is playing games with the Walmart website.

340 posted on 11/09/2005 2:54:08 PM PST by Diva Betsy Ross (Code pink stinks)
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To: Right Wing Assault

The query string "Christmas" was associated with the category "Holiday" because most Christmas items live in Holiday and most Holiday items are related to Christmas. It doesn't make sense for them to associate Kwanzaa with Holiday, since most results in Holday are not related to Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa has not been associated in the site administration (from what I gather this is a manual association) because redirecting Kwanzaa to Holiday is foolish: you will get LESS useful results. By associating Christmas with the category Holiday, you get all Holiday items that might not have Christmas in the name or description.

346 posted on 11/09/2005 3:00:10 PM PST by Sols
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