. I will have a good day, but find it a shame that people in my own party can be so turn coat and so demanding in their own temper tantrums.
I agree. Now they can get a insider. Outsiders need not apply. I have supported conservative Republicans for the last 40 years but I will sit the next elections out. Time to disperse some of the power. Most are riding a ego trip and have only been around 10-15 years. They haven't experience 30 years of Dem. rule yet. My life and decisions is not determined by pundit agenda. I always have a nice day regardless of politics. My security is in my head not in a Government or pundit.
It's about abortion. And what is so tragic for those opposed to her, Ms. Miers being an evangelical Christian probably would have been a vote against abortion.
"I will have a good day, but find it a shame that people in my own party can be so turn coat and so demanding in their own temper tantrums."
Hey, a lot of people thought he was about to make a very serious mistake and yelled good and loud about it. What would you do if you thought he was making a serious mistake?