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To: Jokelahoma
What is with the pouting garbage. Talk about cheap namecalling. I am just disappointed with the level of mud-slinging in the past 2 weeks. When you disagree and are attacked in the fashion we have seen it is disappointing that people you respected would lower themselves to that level and bash the President.

Getting called Bushbot, Rhino, retarded, imbacile, stupid and just about every other name, now that is the tactic your Thought Police have been using. Check the old threads and say your proud of that behavior. Most of the threads are void of the President's defenders for that reason. Look at this thread and see who are the attackers even after their victory?? But I guess the ends justify the means.

Pray for W and Our Troops

1,412 posted on 10/27/2005 8:08:35 AM PDT by bray (Iraq, freed from Saddamn now Pray for Freedom from Mohammad)
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To: bray
"Pouting" is not a name. It's an observation of a behavior.

Of course I'm not proud of the name-calling, from either side (and it is important to remember that it came from both sides, by the way). The ends don't justify the means. But, that said, what needed to happen, happened. Could it have happened without the vitriol from both sides (there's that word again, "both")? Likely. In the heat of argument, things are said. Again, if names hurt you that badly, how can you stand to be online? I've had my heritage, my ethnicity, my sexual orientation and preferences, my intelligence... all questioned at one time or another (not that much on Free Republic, however). I don't put much stock into insults or names from people who are online, and who have never met me.

So your side lost this one. It happens. It'll happen again. Find a better reason to be upset than "I didn't get my way", or "they were mean to me". The victim role is very limiting.

1,473 posted on 10/27/2005 8:16:14 AM PDT by Jokelahoma (Animal testing is a bad idea. They get all nervous and give wrong answers.)
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