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To: Sterm26
IMHO, the fact that Judith Miller was sent to jail for an article she didn't write, tells me that the focus is not on the White House, but the story she didn't tell. IMHO there is no doubt in my mind that there is a rogue element in the CIA that was behind Joe Wilson's trip to Niger, and considering Joe Wilson is the only known liar at this point, Look for several CIA people to be indicted for conspiracy, Conspiracy to undermine the United States Government and it's foreign policy
20 posted on 10/25/2005 8:54:23 PM PDT by MJY1288 (Whenever a Liberal is Speaking on the Senate Floor, Al-Jazeera Breaks in and Covers it LIVE)
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To: MJY1288

That's my take take on it also, I just hope Fitzgerald has the guts to follow through.

26 posted on 10/25/2005 9:00:24 PM PDT by Sterm26 (Indict Joe Wilson!)
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To: MJY1288
Judith Miller was sent to jail for an article she didn't write, the focus is on the story she didn't tell.

There is a rogue element in the CIA that was behind Joe Wilson's trip to Niger, Joe Wilson is the only known liar at this point, Look for several CIA people to be indicted for conspiracy, Conspiracy to undermine the United States Government and it's foreign policy

MJY1288, I am on your tack. I think Joe is the central bad guy right now.

48 posted on 10/25/2005 9:32:23 PM PDT by RunningWolf (tag line limbo)
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To: MJY1288
IMHO, the fact that Judith Miller was sent to jail for an article she didn't write, tells me that the focus is not on the White House, but the story she didn't tell. IMHO there is no doubt in my mind that there is a rogue element in the CIA that was behind Joe Wilson's trip to Niger, and considering Joe Wilson is the only known liar at this point, Look for several CIA people to be indicted for conspiracy, Conspiracy to undermine the United States Government and it's foreign policy

That doesnt make sense in that the prosecutors were conducting final interviews with WH staff today about Rove and Libby's schedules. Also interviewing Wilson's neighbors to determine if they knew she worked at CIA. The one quoted said no. These are not good signs for our side.

60 posted on 10/25/2005 10:00:58 PM PDT by Dave S
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To: MJY1288
IMHO there is no doubt in my mind that there is a rogue element in the CIA that was behind Joe Wilson's trip to Niger, and considering Joe Wilson is the only known liar at this point, Look for several CIA people to be indicted for conspiracy, Conspiracy to undermine the United States Government and it's foreign policy

I agree there is a rogue element in the CIA and the State Department, but if you seriously think Fitzgerald is going to indict anyone outside the White House, you are delusional. No prosecutor can keep that close a secret for two years. There would have been series of CIA witnesses at the grand jury and that would have been news. Wilson or his wife being called before the grand jury would have been news. Rove doesnt come back for a fourth time to testify against the rogue elements of the CIA. Nada. Better take a break from politics, you are losing it.

63 posted on 10/25/2005 10:11:59 PM PDT by Dave S
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To: MJY1288
IMHO there is no doubt in my mind that there is a rogue element in the CIA that was behind Joe Wilson's trip to Niger, and considering Joe Wilson is the only known liar at this point, Look for several CIA people to be indicted for conspiracy, Conspiracy to undermine the United States Government and it's foreign policy

I had the same strong feeling in November 1964 when I just knew that Goldwater was going to win in a landslide. I had that same feeling again in November 72 when I knew McGovern was going to squeek out a win. I had it again last week when I was convinced that the Cardinals were going to win the World Series.

65 posted on 10/25/2005 10:15:03 PM PDT by Dave S
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To: MJY1288
IMHO there is no doubt in my mind that there is a rogue element in the CIA that was behind Joe Wilson's trip to Niger, and considering Joe Wilson is the only known liar at this point, Look for several CIA people to be indicted for conspiracy, Conspiracy to undermine the United States Government and it's foreign policy


Yes, read this. It tells the entire story as it is.

Is Valerie Plame the new Deep Throat?


If those CIA guys that you mentioned are not indicted, then you know what is happening........ again.

Kennedy, Nixon, Bush.

91 posted on 10/25/2005 11:11:01 PM PDT by beyond the sea (Gloria Borger is Andrea Mitchell on Peyote)
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