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Indicted? For What?
National Review Online ^ | 10/19/05 | Byron York

Posted on 10/19/2005 7:18:17 AM PDT by frankjr

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"At the end of the day," says the former intelligence official, "this could end up being a situation where there wasn't a crime until there was an investigation."
1 posted on 10/19/2005 7:18:23 AM PDT by frankjr
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To: frankjr; Shermy; cyncooper; YaYa123

Someone lied to the Grand Jury..

2 posted on 10/19/2005 7:22:28 AM PDT by Dog (Lives for the day Mr. Potatoe Head Russert does the frog march...)
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To: frankjr

No question there was no crime. Wilson lied when he said he was sent to Niger by the VP. If any of the WH people lied to the GJ then they could face charges. Trouble is, so much has been made of this because the WH didn't come right out and call Wilson a liar when he published his yellow cake adventure story.

3 posted on 10/19/2005 7:23:04 AM PDT by Eric in the Ozarks (Troubled by NOLA looting ? You ain't seen nothing yet.)
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To: frankjr

""At the end of the day," says the former intelligence official, "this could end up being a situation where there wasn't a crime until there was an investigation.""

So basically this article is an indirect way of saying that if there was a crime it's probably obstruction of justice or perjury or something like that.

4 posted on 10/19/2005 7:28:02 AM PDT by gondramB (Conservatism is a positive doctrine. Reactionaryism is a negative doctrine.)
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To: frankjr
could end up being a situation where there wasn't a crime until there was an investigation

That's how Martha Stewart got nailed.

5 posted on 10/19/2005 7:30:51 AM PDT by Semper Paratus
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To: frankjr
While Wilson is said to have not been asked by the CIA to sign a secrecy agreement before the trip, the absence of such an agreement would still not allow him to disclose classified information.

But the former intelligence official warns that it is possible that just some parts of Wilson's findings were classified — say, specific sources he contacted whose identities have not been revealed. If that is case, the official argues, then Wilson did not violate any laws in his statements to the press (even those statements that were later found to be untrue).

It looks like it was a set-up by Wilson along these lines: He lies about his findings that were (orally) reported back to the CIA. In order for the WH to refute his lies, they will have to release confidential information. Or at least that is Wilson's hope.

Wilson's ploy goes awry when he is instead discredited by the nepotism issue of his hiring, and then later the report from the Senate Intelligence Committee. No classified info was leaked (as far as we know thus far), but Wilson tries to pin the "outing" of Plame on Rove as a reaction to his failed trap. It is now widely believed there was no crime committed in identifying his wife's involvement in his Niger assignment.

So, unless someone purgured themselves or obstructed justice during the inquiry, there will be no indictments.

6 posted on 10/19/2005 7:31:25 AM PDT by leftcoaster
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To: frankjr
Wait a minute, hang on just a glod-darn minute. Aren't we supposed to be boycotting National Review for their stance on that, um, other major political news item? If I'm expected to fall into line and be a good little boy, I really need to know what I am and am not supposed to read. :-)

All joking aside, it's rather funny to see a witch hunt end with no witches. Just a New York Times reporter with a big wart on her nose, a black cat, and a broom, but no real witches. The leftists are giddy with anticipation that Rove will be indicted. Watch for sales of razor blades and rat poison in the blue states to skyrocket in the next few days.

7 posted on 10/19/2005 7:33:57 AM PDT by Jokelahoma (Animal testing is a bad idea. They get all nervous and give wrong answers.)
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To: frankjr

The media is going to look pretty foolish if there is no indictment.

Of course, the media looks pretty foolish anyway.

8 posted on 10/19/2005 7:38:04 AM PDT by Brilliant
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To: Dog
Someone lied to the Grand Jury..

And how do you determine who lied? In any encounter, two people will have different views at what happened. I have no doubt there are dozens of inconsistancies between testimony. This whole thing is an indictment against the whole special prosecutor, which has just become an excsue to spend millions of dollars on every meaningless event.

9 posted on 10/19/2005 7:38:11 AM PDT by Always Right
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To: gondramB

To obstruct justice, would you not have to be blocking information about an illegal act that had been committed? If no crime was committed, how can one obstruct justice?

10 posted on 10/19/2005 7:41:15 AM PDT by sabatino28 (God save us all!!!)
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To: Always Right
In any encounter, two people will have different views at what happened.

You could charge perjury for almost every contested court case but it's not done.

11 posted on 10/19/2005 7:41:39 AM PDT by Semper Paratus
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To: frankjr
So, the gov't persues an investigation into a non-crime and by doing so creates a situation where a crime may be committed by people that didn't commit a crime in the first place? What's this called? The Ronnie Earle system?

Seems to me the problem is with whoever made false statements or accused others of doing things it turns out they did not. If it's a crime to cover up a non-crime it certainly should be a crime to manufacture the same non-crime and cause the taxpayers to waste money persuing something that should never have been persued in the first place.

This is like punishing a child for supposedly knocking over a vase and breaking it but later learning that the vase was never broken. But in the course of finding that out the child doesn't co-operate with the vase "investigation" so the child gets punished anyway.

If Martha Stewart went to jail for lying to federal investigators for a crime she eventually was never convicted of what the hell happened to the people that lied to the same agency the investigators worked for that started the investigation in the first place? Why didn't they go to jail? Somebody lied when they said she committed a crime but it turns out she did not. Isn't that the same thing Martha went to jail for?

12 posted on 10/19/2005 7:43:19 AM PDT by isthisnickcool (Don't get stuck on stupid - Lt. General Honore)
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To: Dog
Someone lied to the Grand Jury..

I hope that the bar for perjury is also sufficiently high. I'm not sure it is for "conspiracy".

13 posted on 10/19/2005 7:48:53 AM PDT by bkepley
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To: Dog
Someone lied to the Grand Jury..

It certainly does look that this is the most likely thing at this point... the question is who? Given Wilson has habitually lied for years, he would be a canidate, but of course he hasn't been called in front of the Grand Jury 3 or 4 times either... some somethings going on... but just what, who knows.

14 posted on 10/19/2005 7:49:22 AM PDT by HamiltonJay
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To: sabatino28

"To obstruct justice, would you not have to be blocking information about an illegal act that had been committed? If no crime was committed, how can one obstruct justice?"

As I understand it, you just have to lie during an investigation and sometimes you just have to omit information.

President Clinton is a perfect example.

15 posted on 10/19/2005 7:54:00 AM PDT by gondramB (Conservatism is a positive doctrine. Reactionaryism is a negative doctrine.)
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To: frankjr
I fail to see how Rove(or anyone else for that matter) can be indicted unless they intentionally outed a covert CIA agent, and for that to happen Valerie Plame must have been officially a covert CIA agent within the five year period of her supposed outing, and have been intentionally outed with the intent to cause harm to her.

I have yet to see anyone prove that Plame was indeed a covert CIA agent at the time she was supposedly outed, or that she was one five years before that time.
16 posted on 10/19/2005 7:56:27 AM PDT by Laissez-faire capitalist
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To: frankjr

If Fitzgerald indicts Karl Rove and "Scooter" Libby, he better have a damn good, airtight case. Because if he indicts the shaky way Ronnie Earle did with Tom Delay, he is going to look like a horse's butt, just as Earle does. The real culprit here is the MSM and Joe Wilson. Wilson should be in prison for treason!!!

17 posted on 10/19/2005 7:58:18 AM PDT by JLAGRAYFOX
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To: isthisnickcool

If it's good enough for the President, it's good enough for his Cheif of Staff, the Veep's aides, and the Speaker of the House. Clinton, Delay, Rove, Scooter...

"It's not the crime, it's the cover-up." You'd think politicians would learn. But they never do.

18 posted on 10/19/2005 8:01:35 AM PDT by cracker
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To: frankjr
All this sounds like the Democrats posturing for the 2006 and 2008 elections, code-named The "Delay" Strategy which is modeled in part after Watergate. It's similar to legal theory:
19 posted on 10/19/2005 8:02:07 AM PDT by Reaganghost (Democrats are living proof that you can fool some of the people all of the time.)
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To: Semper Paratus
could end up being a situation where there wasn't a crime until there was an investigation

That's how Martha Stewart got nailed.

But in Stewart's case, there was an underlying charge and indictment for insider trading. It's still up at the SEC website. So, in Martha's case, there was an allegation of crime (maybe, I don't know whether the insider trading case has been disposed of, or if so, how) before she lied to investigators.

20 posted on 10/19/2005 8:06:02 AM PDT by Cboldt
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