No question there was no crime. Wilson lied when he said he was sent to Niger by the VP. If any of the WH people lied to the GJ then they could face charges. Trouble is, so much has been made of this because the WH didn't come right out and call Wilson a liar when he published his yellow cake adventure story.
Betcha ten bucks you can't quote Wilson where he said that.
I'm not saying Wilson hasn't said some things of questionable veracity. But this continuing drumbeat that he claimed Cheney sent him to Niger is just not true. In his own words, he said that Cheney asked the Agency to look into the reports, and the Agency decided to send Wilson. Even in his earliest media appearances, he said he didn't know Cheney and had never met him or spoken to him about Niger, and that Cheney didn't send him.
So why the need to manufacture a 'lie' that Wilson didn't tell?
shut up! Your wife works for the CIA!