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To: frankjr
While Wilson is said to have not been asked by the CIA to sign a secrecy agreement before the trip, the absence of such an agreement would still not allow him to disclose classified information.

But the former intelligence official warns that it is possible that just some parts of Wilson's findings were classified — say, specific sources he contacted whose identities have not been revealed. If that is case, the official argues, then Wilson did not violate any laws in his statements to the press (even those statements that were later found to be untrue).

It looks like it was a set-up by Wilson along these lines: He lies about his findings that were (orally) reported back to the CIA. In order for the WH to refute his lies, they will have to release confidential information. Or at least that is Wilson's hope.

Wilson's ploy goes awry when he is instead discredited by the nepotism issue of his hiring, and then later the report from the Senate Intelligence Committee. No classified info was leaked (as far as we know thus far), but Wilson tries to pin the "outing" of Plame on Rove as a reaction to his failed trap. It is now widely believed there was no crime committed in identifying his wife's involvement in his Niger assignment.

So, unless someone purgured themselves or obstructed justice during the inquiry, there will be no indictments.

6 posted on 10/19/2005 7:31:25 AM PDT by leftcoaster
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To: leftcoaster

Wilson isn't that smart.

41 posted on 10/19/2005 10:15:51 AM PDT by 1L
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