I know absolutely nothing about Sheila Jackson Lee. I know a bit about Ann Richards. After Clayton made his remark about lying back and enjoying the rape (not verbatim) I preferred Ann Richards.
I despise her politics but for some reason I like her. People can make fun of the way she looks and the way she talks but she's Texan and it shows. When she was Governor, she was plain spoken and not given to all that flowery type talk.
People say she looks and sounds like she was rode hard and put up wet. Well, it's no secret in Texas that she's a recovering alcoholic and it's not uncommon to see her in an AA meeting there. Women alcoholics tend to hide their alcoholism longer and it takes a bigger toll on their looks than if does men. I can respect the fact that she did something about her alcoholism and made something out of her life. Others would have ended up in a gutter somewhere.
Is she a great Texan? I guess it all depends on your definition of great. I disagree with her ideas about what's best for Texas but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that she loves Texas. She's a great Texan in the same way I'm a great Texan. I love my state and couldn't imagine being from anywhere else. She's a character who adds a little something to Texas.
Tell ya what! If Texas has to have liberals, I'd rather have an Ann Richards liberal than a Teddy Kennedy liberal anyday!
I am an unabashed Conservative. But, you echo my views of Ann Richards. Couldn't vote for either one in that election.