So... Where are your posts taking creationists to task for behaving like complete asses, and arrogantly insulting entire branches of science, the professionals who practice them, and the people who appreciate these fields?
Why are you ripping WildHorseCrash a new one for responding with admirable restraint to someone who posted an insulting mischaracterization of an entire well-established field? Why are you ignoring the past history of that poster, who has said even worse and refuses to revise his attitude when called on it? Why are you ignoring the wider behavior of creationists in general?
In short, why are you barging in berating one poster for a post that was hardly way out of line, without a clue about the context in which it was said?
Restraint? You've no idea what restraint is, especially "admirable restraint". Can the caustic comments, and you'll see me disappear.
The simple fact of the matter is, you guys aren't simply content to debate the issues of the day. You want to smash, embarrass, belittle and insult others in a most neurotic way. It's not a pretty sight.
It's not a case of, "you're wrong! Here's the facts!". It's more like "Some are insane, others ignorant, still more are brainwashed. (way to calm the crowd, boys!); "...regardless of how many cranks, kooks, religious hustlers, charlatans, or ignorant, stupid, brainwashed or insane people are out there push their religious dogma or cockamamie crap like creationism and ID creationism on the world." (that was certainly a diplomatic foray!); ...affecting false modesty... (ooooh, that was a rich one!); ...every lame-brained statement anyone vomits forth from his lips is a precious gem... (ahhh, speaking of precious...).
And so it goes.
Philosophically, I have very little argument you guys. It's just when stuff like this is posted, it rubs the wrong way.
The cumulative effect of all this miasma is an implied, "the only way you can avoid ignorance, and possibly stupidity, that may well be terminal in your case, is to think just like me!"
No thanks.
I appreciate the support. Thanks.