To: pollyannaish
It is a mess, and it is going to get worse before it gets better. Rush was right yesterday. There are the makings of a Conservative divorce from the Republican party if things don't calm down soon.
965 posted on
10/11/2005 9:20:33 AM PDT by
Pukin Dog
(Sans Reproache)
To: Pukin Dog
Where do conservatives go? To the dims? No. To an independent party?
967 posted on
10/11/2005 9:25:52 AM PDT by
(Pray Daily For Our Troops and President Bush.)
To: Pukin Dog
So where do we go? I'm not being flippant, I'm being serious. Because the way things are right now, the only chance of accomplishing anything is within the two-party system. And there aren't enough of us ... and I may get flamed for this, but IMHO folks who believe like we Freepers do, I'm not talking about how they vote but what they believe in their heart of hearts, are a minority in this country ... to go third party with any success whatsoever.
968 posted on
10/11/2005 9:26:33 AM PDT by
To: Pukin Dog
Honestly, I think this has been coming in for the last 10 years.
It is much more difficult to be a majority party, then the minority party. It's the same dynamic that keeps Super Bowl winners from dominating year after year.
The win is often more about heart than fundamentals...and it throws the teamwork angle into disarray. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson