It's obvious , we the people don't count anymore.
Bull. We have the initiative process. We have the vote. Of course we count!
I call it the way I see it, as an act of political posturing, he is running for reelection and can do what he will.
Political posturing? He's consistent with what he campaigned upon in the recall. I didn't realize that amounted to political posturing. Bush's lame claim last for amending the federal constitution to stop homosexual marriage or Social Security reform pandering while refusing to introduce or name a bill he supports *is* political pandering. What has *he* done? At least you can point to real things Arnold's done: vetoed driver's licenses for illegals, repealed car tax, vetoed homosexual marriage, vetoed minimum wage hikes, campaigned successfully to protect 3-strikes, improved the business climate, is taking on the union vice grip on state politics, endorsed Prop 73... Hell, Arnold actually *knows* how to use his veto pen. Bush doesn't!
btw, Are either of you gamblers, just curious?
Sorry, I don't gamble or drink alcohol either.
If not, can I borrow some money?
Get a job?
Oh, and I support Prop 73.
Good. I hope it passes. And 74, 75, 76 and 77 too. Don't forget to circulate CA Border Police initiative petitions. I have and they're turned in. and Thanks newzjunkey, for showing your true colors.
Or am I discriminating against you for singling you out for supporting more rights for domestic partners? We can afford whether they deserve it or not, right?
I have no dog in the domestic partner fight. As for "afford" I think it depends on what you mean by that. My view is that we're all better off supporting partnering up of couples. I take a libertarian view on my fellow American's decisions on coupling. I've ranted several times that homosexuals should adopt traditional heterosexual courtship activities and values. If that group intends to thrive they need to grow beyond their view of sexuality as political protest. It would slash HIV and other STI/STD rates and save us medical costs.
I take a libertarian view
nuff said. Thanks
What has *he* done? At least you can point to real things Arnold's done: vetoed driver's licenses for illegals, repealed car tax, vetoed homosexual marriage, vetoed minimum wage hikes, campaigned successfully to protect 3-strikes, improved the business climate, is taking on the union vice grip on state politics, endorsed Prop 73.
Nope, no talking points being passed around going on here.
Uhh,, aren't civil unions the same as domestic partnerships? enlighten me if they aren't? Thanks
I agree with this.
I am just totally opposed to "gay marriage" because it simply isn't marriage. Period.
I've ranted several times that homosexuals should adopt traditional heterosexual courtship activities and values.
Homosexuals are disordered -homosexual activities depraved -there is no 'traditional' heterosexual activity in regards to homosexuality -such thinking is the thinking of homosexual activists -promoting such is promoting the homosexualization of society.
Your view is not welcome to be debated or argued here either objectively or suureptitiously -kindly cease and desist your homosexual cheerleading from the "sidelines".
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