To: RWR8189
I really think Rush is right on this one: these dems are being controlled by their looney-toons fringe. Scarey to think our politicans are taking their marching orders from their leftist whackos.
2 posted on
09/21/2005 7:41:33 PM PDT by
To: hsalaw
It's really surprising that democraps politicize everything. It has become apparent, after the several judicial filibusters and now with the resistance to Roberts, that never again will a Supreme Court nominee receive a fair and considered vote on his merits. It really makes no sense for W to be deferential to democrap concerns. He should nominate a originalist and be done with it.
To: hsalaw
I really think Rush is right on this one: these dems are being controlled by their looney-toons fringe. You're right. Rush has nailed this one...
8 posted on
09/21/2005 7:57:58 PM PDT by
(When incentives are switched, patterns change. Until then, it's same old, same old.)
To: hsalaw
Odd that screwballs and other crackpots have any influence at all in the life of a nation.
On the bright side;Their hair is in increasing dissaray and their collective slip is showing and I believe that is getting noticed.
These people are prime candidates for psychological counseling and a drug regime;To the point of a comatose state! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson