Well.. we just waited them out. Had to really. They were only going to give us $15,000 initially. I just kept asking for different adjustors. After 6 we finally got the payout on the policy. It is still not enough to repair the house. It has to be bulldozed according to the county. We were hoping to get about 50K for personal possesions and put that together with the payout to fix the house. But it looks like we will get stuck on that. With them saying we have to have receipts... who in the world has receipts for a lifetime of posessions?
We are middle class. Any middle class family has 50K worth of possesions. We were insured for 100k on the possesions.
Do you mind if I ask my adjust about this "receipt" issue? I also have 50,000 in contents and I took the new replacement instead of the actual value.
If the house is a total loss, it looks like they would have to pay you the full amount on the possessions...not that I'm a lawyer, and not that I slept at a holiday inn last night....
After all the storms in Florida last year, we went back & insured our house & contents for replacement value, rather than actual value, but I have no idea how much of a fight there would be if we actually had a claim, and I hope never to have to find out, but weather is fickle.
Best of luck to you.