What about midget slang?
1 posted on
09/10/2005 6:18:05 AM PDT by
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To: s2baccha
Kanye be nuthin' but a jive turkey!
2 posted on
09/10/2005 6:19:26 AM PDT by
(Where is my $2,000 debit card?)
To: s2baccha
I think that Kanye West needs to get an education-- do something useful with his life, and stop making idiot comments to the media. He's making himself look bad.
5 posted on
09/10/2005 6:20:14 AM PDT by
Clara Lou
(W00t! IBTZ ! FP! w00t!)
To: s2baccha
Coming from the guy who was on the cover of Newsweek (Time?), where they said something to the effect that he was the "new face" (ie 'clean') face of rap music.
6 posted on
09/10/2005 6:20:43 AM PDT by
Sometimes A River
("The leaves have broken on Lake Ponktran" - WKAT 1360 AM Miami Newsreader)
To: s2baccha
More goofy anti-American philosophy. Well, maybe it is only publicity. But in any case, it is goofy.
He doesn't want white people to use terms blacks use. Hmmmm. Sounds racist to me....
7 posted on
09/10/2005 6:21:06 AM PDT by
To: s2baccha
Is dis Kayne fo real?
I hear that bling is passé and *frosting* is what the hip n rich black people call their jewelry they're displaying
9 posted on
09/10/2005 6:21:51 AM PDT by
To: s2baccha
To: s2baccha
Other people think like him and they are actually allowed to vote
To: s2baccha
so ebonics becomes the official language of the nation replacing english
are the majority of african-americans that naive that they do not comprehend the reason of their poverty?
To: s2baccha
Is this the same person that had his producer shot at his house? And, of course, no one saw anything.
15 posted on
09/10/2005 6:23:46 AM PDT by
(Blessed to live in the USA)
To: s2baccha
16 posted on
09/10/2005 6:24:03 AM PDT by
To: s2baccha
To: s2baccha
Yeah mon - FREEDOM!
To: s2baccha
His fifteen minutes were up half an hour before he first started yapping. :)
21 posted on
09/10/2005 6:25:08 AM PDT by
("As a conservative site, Free Republic is pro-G-d, PRO-LIFE..." -- FR founder Jim Robinson)
To: s2baccha
Rappers should not use english unless it is Old English?
To: s2baccha
What we are all witnessing is reverse racism at its finest folks. Let him talk all he wants about ole "whitey"....he don't mean no harm.
23 posted on
09/10/2005 6:25:15 AM PDT by
My Favorite Headache
("Scientology is dangerous stuff,it's like forming a religion based around Johnny Quest and Haji.")
To: s2baccha
yeah see, i agree but there are some that are just too old for even us white people to use... i'll give you an example:
"Kanye West is my homie..." you see, that doesn't quite have "teh ring" to it, right? However,
"Kanye West is my uneducated, ignorant dumbass..."
Now, doesn't that just flow much smoother???
To: s2baccha
Actually, I do not think that (white people) are allowed to use slang until it is at least a year old.Remember the Road Runner cartoon with Wile E Coyote--Genius?
Kanye West --- Genius!
25 posted on
09/10/2005 6:25:55 AM PDT by
Erik Latranyi
(9-11 is your Peace Dividend)
To: s2baccha
Right on straight up and solid.
26 posted on
09/10/2005 6:25:59 AM PDT by
(If you must obey your party, may your chains rest lightly upon your shoulders.)
To: s2baccha
***What about midget slang?****
"Nick, They're not midgets.
They're either dwarfs or little people,
But not midgets."
(I watch waaaay too much CSI)
27 posted on
09/10/2005 6:26:14 AM PDT by
(Leftists are moral and intellectual parasites - Standing Wolf)
To: s2baccha
Can I say "word to your mother" or is that now making a comeback from what will be a retro-rap craze and unacceptable to Pravrap editor kanye west, since I'm an evil white person.
28 posted on
09/10/2005 6:26:37 AM PDT by
( anyone who believes hillary would do something to stop illegal immigration is believing gibberish)
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