Posted on 09/10/2005 6:18:04 AM PDT by s2baccha
I agree. They've been living in this country for 386 years and they still can't speak English. I've heard of slow learners, but this is ridiculous.
It'll be somewhat like an eBay auction...with countdown times....
One more brainless dumb guy in the (c)rap world!!!
Kanye, you should learn how to spell/say "Crap" with out "rap" in it!!! Until then may you remain brainless!!!!
Kanye's head that is.
He's 8 years too late and has already been parodied; Mad TV did a great sketch on this as white people were using "he's all that" and "he's all that and a bag of chips." The black folks were horrified and frustrated trying to stay a couple generations ahead of the whites in slang use. There were no whites in the skit, rather the blacks were monitoring word and phrase use from a slang control center. Kanye needs a life.
I have worked in public education for almost 25 years and am sick and tired of hearing some of my fellow educators murder standard English, such as "axe" for "ask", labtop for "laptop" and "on tomorrow". One of our administrators actually pronounced "patriotism" as "patrism" over the intercom to the entire student body!
Most of these education professionals have educational specialists degrees and doctorates. They are teaching our children!
A no talent thug. Seems to be a lot of that going around these days.
Kanye is colored.
Kayne West is a racist loonatic.
He is the exact same as the KKK. (with less fashion sense(/s))
So which advertisers support this racist?
This is "hate speech" as hate laws were written.
"If you say a slang word too early, it's like you're trying to be black."
He got that right.
I propose a website for the "National Clearinghouse for Black Slang"...with date and time stamps to let us know when a particular word/term is available to those of the Caucasian persuasion....
It'll be somewhat like an eBay auction...with countdown times....
Bomb diggity!
HEY! Do you think Jessie Jackson will fight for my rights? After all, Kanye is saying that because I am a white person, I am not allowed to use words that black people use because of the color of my skin. OH Yeah! It's not really bigotry if it is hatred directed at white people. How silly of me.
Quick! Someone get me the official segregated dictionary. I need to know what words I can rightfully use without attracting criticism.
Does Kanye realize he is a bigot and a hypocrite??? Doubtful. I seriously believe he would have to look those words up.
Kanye, you a busta, ya feel me?
That's racism pure and simple. West is a racist.
And by the way Kanye, you're about the whitest, preppiest black boy I have ever seen!
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