Well I'm talking. Isn't there a law that this type of action is aiding an enemy? These prisoner do not have rights as U.S. citizens and I believe even the Geneva convention allows interrogations. If by chance some of these prisoners release information that would help in our defense and then help better defend the troops and keeping them safe, this is not a decent thing to do. Maybe some of these guys know some of the players that beheaded American troops and citizens. It's just not right, I tell you.
There is but they set a very bad precedent when they let jane fonda get away with it.
If by chance some of these prisoners release information that would help ...
Yesterday a prisoner (in Iraq) revealed that he knew where hostages were being held. Three hours later the U.S. military mounted a raid and freed the man who had been held hostage for a year. Also freed an Iraqi who was being held as well.