Oprah went to the Superdome...had to take needed Guardsmen and other LEOs and support people away from helping others to be with her. Inexcusable...and she did it for her "show", to boost ratings and make money.
Sickening and disgusting...then on top of that, to ad insult to injury, she says we owe and apology? No, it is her who owes a whole lot of brave and selfless people the apolgy IMHO.
Justify's her dizzy outlook on things with all than spin 'n such huh .......:o)
Point taken with her visit....I didn't even want to see GW's administration or the Socialist Rat's go down there as I personally know the entourage that is associated with such a high level visit.....pretty much the folks in dire straits couldn't even see a TV for the moral support such vists propose to be.....
Assets like TIME , POL products , and personnel, LEO's vehicles etc etc were needed for rescue, recovery and relief. Don't take from the potential resources for such if it serves no valid worth for the VICTIMS.
Just my opinion......Stay safe !