Well lookie here. The City of New Orleans DID have a plan. It was every man for himself.
This is SHOCKINGLY inadequate. A third grader could provide for a better plan. Do NOT lose this.
Backho - this MUST be added to the list of archived articles for Katrina. And thank you again for all your work on these archives.
Thanks for calling it to my attention- I'll add it.
It is awfully pathetic. It presumes that those who need a ride are also online, as well as literate.
Yep, and Saturday and Sunday a New Orleans TV station was stating that people who left pets behind would be prosecuted for animal cruelty. So no doubt at least some people didn't evacuate because they had pets. Regardless of what you feel about pets, it was a bad idea to discourage anyone from leaving.
And it was idiotic and almost criminally negligent to leave dozens of buses parked when they could have moved hundreds or thousands of people to safety.
I'm with you all the way here, Peach.