The third day into this and they are just getting a command center set up? Disgraceful.
And I hope it occurs to someone down there that they have to actually TALK to each other to and coordinate.
Last night the mayor and governor were all over the place with contradictory statements.
The mayor and gov are playing politics. I think they should be kicked aside and FEMA needs to take over command and control. Gov and Mayor don't have any sort of leadership qualities. They know how to whine and look sour. They say, evac the superdome in 2 days without knowing how or why. They complain about little sandbags not blocking the breach. They are impeding and adding to confusion IMO. Can you imagine Giuliani, Pataki, and W acting like these people on 9/11?
According to our local news, some were set up and ready to go into operation but the flooding into NO made them set up elsewhere. Had to wonder about the thugs looting as well -- not safe to put them anywhere near some areas that need them.
Mayor and Governor are inept to be kind. Last night I heard the Sheriff of Parish of NO say that FEMA was taking over responsibility for NO.
I think we have a news blackout of anything the Feds are doing on the ground -- can you say I don't trust the media?