Sometimes I think he can't decide whether he's a man of the cloth or a politician.
You sound like they should be different. Personally I think that our politicians should be more pastors and church elders.
That's because he's neither.
He's a Christian businessman with a television show. Yeah, he's got his law degree, but he's primarily a businessman.
He is a wannabe politician.
He's right, really. However, a guy like Pat Robertson should NEVER say such a thing publicly. Unless perhaps it was somewhat tongue-in-cheek but I've never really known Robertson to have a sense of humor.
Well he does have a J.D. from Yale, so his political/legal talents are do doubt formidable. Really, they shouldn't be exclusive. Perhaps, as a practicing pastor, one should refrain from some aspects of politics, but it would be fine if a former pastor were to become a politician of such virtue that he would not tarnish the image of the Church.