Thanks - I'm a relative newcomer to Christ and just finished my first time through the Bible (literally read the last of Revelation this morning and put my marker back on the first page of Genesis) so there is much for me to learn. I remembered that God gave explicit plans for how everything was to go in the desert and how He gave them the skills they would need to complete His plans for building the temples, but missed the reference to the tabernacle and the earthly one being a shadow of the Heavenly one.
God Bless
Very cool. I must admit I've been a believer for many years and have never read the Bible straight through. Started several times, but always got distracted and fell back on topical study or something else.
A recommendation, if it interests you at all - The Complete Jewish Bible by David H Stern - great for Jewish perspective and context, as well as plain speech, which helps with KJV language difficulties that can sometimes muddy doctrinal concepts, imo.