He's also a gun grabber. Was Reagan a gun grabber?
If he changes his gun graber and pro abortion views he may have a chance. If not he is toast.
No, Ronnie wasn't a gun-grabber, but he was divorced like Rudy, but Rudy doesn't have rotten kids biting at his ankles...;^)
Try to buy a Class 3 manufactured after 1986...
Juliani is a liberal Republican who believes in abortion and gay marriage etc. I can not in good conscience vote for him although I like the guy.
"I do not think the government should cut off the right to bear arms. My position for many years has been that just as a motorist must have a license, a gun owner should be required to have one as well. Anyone wanting to own a gun should have to pass a written exam that shows that they know how to use a gun, that they're intelligent enough and responsible enough to handle a gun. Should both handgun and rifle owners be licensed...we're talking about all dangerous weapons."
Source: Boston Globe, p. A4 Mar 21, 2000 via On the Issues
he wouldn't bring that agenda to the presidency, and in any case, he would be checked by congress in the blink of an eye.
Rudy is the only person with whom the american people have any connection with regarding 9-11, in the positive sense for leadership, etc.
I say he's the VP candidate - Allen/Rudy is looking good to me.
I'd vote for Guiliani in a heartbeat.
You're from New York. You have to admit that Guiliani was the best thing that happanened to NY, right?
He was not a gun grabber per se but a proponent on gun licensing and "testing". The more troublesome Giuliani record is on abortion. Even though he did little as mayor to affect policy on it, he uttered statements which suggested he was very pro-abort and would even give his own daughter the money to have an abotion (a hypothetical, as he didn't have a daughter).
However Giuliani is by far the strongest candidate the GOP has to fight terror and take on our Islamist enemies. Unlike Bush, whose alliance with the Saudi family led to disturbing P.C. moments...you can be assured Rudy will never take his shoes of in a mosque or say the words "religion of peace". He despises Arabs, a pre-requisite for anyone leading our nation, in my opinion. His record with Arafat, Bin Talaweed and others makes that clear. We need someone who views Islam as the enemy and not a "great religion".
But the main problem with Giuliani is on abortion. It is not really a close call. He needs to do a serious mea culpa on it, show that he supports the PBA law, etc. Even then it will be tough for him to win evangelical support without some serious outreach. (Then again, with Frist out of the way....)
McCain will be 72 in 2008, and even nano robots can keep him healthy that long. Romney is inconsistent and odd. George Allen doesn't seem to have the mental capacity required. Condi Rice is an even worse speaker than Hillary. And Mike Pence is a mere Congressman. So besides Giuliani, who else is there? I am getting concerned.
The Gipper was staunchly pro-life. Is Rudy pro-life?
I'll point out for the record what you already well know my dear: the Gipper gameplan succeeded because of CONTENT, not strategy. A pro-abortion, anti-gun Ronald Reagan would have failed, and barely been noticed by history at all.
It's hotter'n a whorehouse on Nickel Night.
It's been hitting up around 120 these days, which is actually cooler than last summer here at this time.
It's all relative, I guess. ;-)