from a DUmper..........Actually Anne had the last word.
i have never watched hannity & colmes but tonight
i decided to flip over to it. i stayed with it because colmes was actually CONFRONTING ann coulter and michael reagan. colmes actually had the last word after coulter made a nasty remark about chappaquidick and he told her that kind of remark was unnecessary (not the exact exhange but you get the idea). stopped coulter in her tracks.
i thought he was a wimp? he also challenged reagan about who decided what made a 'good' catholic.
ellen fl
Actually, the "good Catholic" exchange was Colmes' at his wimpiest ("How can you say who's a good Catholic? Blah, blah, blah...")
Does Colmes know that there is a Pope, and that he has a Boss? LOL. Who decides, indeed.
What is it about the liberals that makes them incapable of hitting the "shift" key when they type? Is it ideological -- do they think only capitalists should use capital letters?