If original intent was limited government, how can we believe Bush will put in an original intent judge.
Bush has grown the government in size and spending virtually unknown in history.
Would he appoint a judge that would rule all his programs are unconstitutional?
When you read the Chief Justice's decisions on "liberal" issues based on stare decisis, you will understand that the Court moves slowly, not wham-bam, thank-you, ma'am.
Get the right jurisprudence on the Court, and in time the Court will straighten itself out. Focus on nominees who will say in advance they will reverse a given Court decision, and you are on a fool's errand. Even if such Justices were confirmed, they would be disqualified from sitting in the very cases you are most concerned about.
Sometimes at the pool table you have to use a two- or three-rail shot. Same applies to Supreme Court jurisprudence.
John / Billybob