The threats to the country & the Western World you speak of are very real,and must be dealt with swiftly, prior to further outbreaks of multiple 9-11 style mass murders by the Jihadist enemy.
I believe you understand there are those determined to continue the fight for their 'lost cause' and seek every opportunity to attack anyone from the 'north', coupled with those not in total accord with somehow reversing the outcome of the Civil War. My comments were geared to that element, since I am well aware not everyone born or living in the South shares such views.
But I'm afraid that some people defending the South think that they have to defend EVERYTHING about the South, including the rebellion. I'll defend the South's general culture (excepting the segregationist past which has parallels in the North). I'll even defend the motives of the typical Confederate soldier and honor such noble Southern Civil War figures like Lee and Cleburne. But I'll never hold with the views of those who glorify the secession of 1861 nor those who wish for a repeat.
The South rose again-in 1865.