You seem to suffer under the notion that liberalism is nothing more than conservativism, and conservativism is nothing nore than anti-liberalism. It is quite possible for someone to hold opinions which are quite repugnant to both conservatives and liberals.
If I look at the full spectrum of all things I believe in, I am more conservative than liberal. Some candidates would be more conservative than I, some less.
However, in politics the liberals have thrown down the gauntlet, and anyone who is a member of the Bush administration, regardless of where they fall on the liberal-conservative template, will be demonized.
I found it interesting that the left was going after Gonzalez, as well as the right. I have also noticed a group of liberals supporting Gonzalez, no doubt hoping that the right will kill his nomination.
My personal opinion is that we all should remain calm and seriously consider whoever is nominated, meanwhile ignoring special interst groups from both sides of the aisle.