To: xsmommy
I don't think that a dem is going to shepherd a republican president's judicial nomination, do you ?
Not at all. That's why I wondered who the Californian Brown (although an Alabama native) would have as her "rabbi". This is the first time I had heard the term. I am not sure this shepherd is the state Senator or someone else?
If the nominee needs a hometown Senator on their side to help the nomination process go smoother than Brown is out.
891 posted on
07/01/2005 10:01:56 AM PDT by
Republican Red
(''Van der Sloot" is Dutch for ''Kennedy.")
To: Republican Red
Senator Sessions of AL could be her "rabbi" then.
898 posted on
07/01/2005 10:05:28 AM PDT by
Theodore R.
(Cowardice is forever!)
To: Republican Red
well she doesn't have an obvious one, which is a detriment to her chances.
902 posted on
07/01/2005 10:11:20 AM PDT by
To: Republican Red
David Boren was the Dem behind Clarence Thomas and he was from OK -- Thomas was not from here. He was picked by Pres Bush because of his ability to move people in the Senate and it worked. Then Clinton became President, Boren resigned from the Senate (we got Jim Inhofe) to become President of The University of Oklahoma here in Norman, and then got rid of Anita Hill from the OU Law School falculty. Doesn't get any better than that.
950 posted on
07/01/2005 10:48:01 AM PDT by
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