Fine. Maybe they wont. But MAKE THEM FILIBUSTER Janice Brown, after Voting her to the 2nd Circuit as part of a deal in which they all but agreed she was not Extreme.
Is Brown really being floated as a replacement? I had not heard that.
Sounds good to me! I'd like to see the Libs squirm outta that one! Judge Brown would be a woman and a black woman to boot! Go Judge Brown Go!
You have the exact reason I want Janice Brown -- now I am beginning to wonder if the RATs were hoodwinked on her knowing this opening was coming up.
Well, it was pretty funny. One week she was the most evil hobgoblin ever to wear a black robe, then the following week she was an American Patriot well deserving of a spot on the Second Circuit. For them to switch back to evil hobgoblin is no contortion at all for them. Look at Bolton, they've approved him twice I think, and now he's a "bully".
Exactly. If they filibuster, they have gone back on their deal, not to mention that we score huge if they (1) filibuster a SCOTUS pick, a far cry from just an Appellate Judge in the public's mind, (2) filibuster a black woman who is extremely well-qualified. They have just confirmed her, and have little rationale to block her now.
If they do it, we use the constitutional rule change to put her up on the justifictaion they broke the deal. Then we nominate another huge conservative and don't have to deal with the filibuster. If they don't, we have Janice Rogers Brown on the SCOTUS, plus they can't say the next nominee is "extreme circumstances", because they won't be any more originalist or conservative the JRB. They broke the deal again, we eliminate the filibuster. A win-win for conservatives.