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Fox News reporting that Sandra Day O'Connor retiring!
Fox News
| 7/1/05
| SueRae
Posted on 07/01/2005 7:14:03 AM PDT by SueRae
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To: SittinYonder
The last tool to effectuate their agenda can be snatched from the Democrats, if the right person is chosen. I had rather risk loosing a few congressional seats to get originalist supreme court justices who will refuse to legislate from the bench. The dems will be relegated to the asheap of history for 50 years if President Bush picks the right person. Think of it. And if Stevens should be called home at his age a 6/3 split could pad the intention of the consitution. Where would the dems go to implement their insanity.
Perhaps Cheney was referring to another enemy when he referred to them as in the "last throes". He was speaking of the dems. But seriously, this could be a day of joy for reasonable people or we could be a profoundly dissappointed should a milquetoast be nominated. Bush seems to be willing to be bold in his actions and pronouncements. I hope he will, I think he will do the right thing.
To: Txsleuth
Levin for Supreme Court. Wouldn't it be a blast to see him nominated? Just a face shot of the Senators...I could die after that.
posted on
07/01/2005 8:28:29 AM PDT
(Ignorance is a condition. Stupidity is a strategy.)
To: SueRae
Now we go from "fringe left" to "fringe really, really radical left".
Why? Read my tag line.
posted on
07/01/2005 8:28:31 AM PDT
(The Republican'ts have no spine--they ALWAYS cave-in to the RATs.)
To: Howlin
But I'm not going to support somebody that is TOO extreme.Who out there would fit the "too extreme" label for you?
I can't imagine W picking someone too extreme for me.
posted on
07/01/2005 8:28:37 AM PDT
(we should not hesitate to resolve the tension in favor of the Constitution's original meaning-Thomas)
To: Jack Black
elieve the phrase is "pedal to the metal". It refers to the effect of mashing down on the accelerator on your car until it is all the way against the floor or firewall.I believe it originates from trucker jargon, where a trucker puts the pedal to the metal, so that he can get his truck going fast, since truckers often get paid by the shipment, and the faster it is delivered, the sooner they can start another run. Ref, the song "Convoy," from the 70's, about the same time as the CB radio craze that swept the nation in about 1974. See also, Smokey, flip-side, and "got your ears on."
posted on
07/01/2005 8:29:01 AM PDT
(Pajamarazzi Rules!)
To: SueRae
Can anyone point out the last Conservative decision that O'Connor has made?
posted on
07/01/2005 8:29:04 AM PDT
(The war on terrorism is not for the weak!)
To: YaYa123
and all that Brie and French wine going bad in the Hamptons..
posted on
07/01/2005 8:29:09 AM PDT
To: GoldwaterChick
posted on
07/01/2005 8:29:29 AM PDT
You Dirty Rats
(Forget Blackwell for Governor! Blackwell for Senate '06!)
To: webheart
posted on
07/01/2005 8:29:47 AM PDT
(Ignorance is a condition. Stupidity is a strategy.)
To: Oliver Optic
I'm going to trust this President to be a man of his word on judicial appointments.
I'm very hopeful that your trust is well placed. He's done pretty good so far with nominations.
posted on
07/01/2005 8:29:48 AM PDT
(America is the Last Beach)
To: pollyannaish
there is posturing on both sides here. i am merely pointing out that this is the big enchilada here. President Bush needs to go for the gusto, it is going to be a brawl in any event.
posted on
07/01/2005 8:29:55 AM PDT
To: tobyhill
Can anyone point out the last Conservative decision that O'Connor has made?She authored the dissent in Kelo v. New London.
posted on
07/01/2005 8:30:01 AM PDT
(we should not hesitate to resolve the tension in favor of the Constitution's original meaning-Thomas)
To: xsmommy
there is posturing on both sides here. i am merely pointing out that this is the big enchilada here. President Bush needs to go for the gusto, it is going to be a brawl in any event.Right on! Right on!
posted on
07/01/2005 8:30:40 AM PDT
(we should not hesitate to resolve the tension in favor of the Constitution's original meaning-Thomas)
To: cajungirl
"but in social matters, I rely on society rather than a court to change things."
Who, then, changed things in 1973????????????
posted on
07/01/2005 8:30:47 AM PDT
(If there is another terrorist attack, the womb is a very unsafe place to hide.)
hes a whimp - I hope your right but so far the Rodney king attitude cant we all get a long is in play
George Jr has the spine of his old man so far
To: PhiKapMom
Excellent post. The group who would rather have a civil war than use the political process.
To: pollyannaish
Good point. I think it's also worth noting that this will be the first Supreme Court nomination in the modern age of blogs, "pajama journalism," etc. Conservatives will be conducting meticulous research on the nominee to an extent we have never done before. Liberals would do the same, but they won't bother doing this because their intent is to oppose a Bush nominee no matter who it is.
posted on
07/01/2005 8:31:32 AM PDT
Alberta's Child
(I ain't got a dime, but what I got is mine. I ain't rich, but Lord I'm free.)
To: dubyaismypresident
Well, you have a point!
But ya'll are so mean sometimes that I call you "they".
We are married, therapy won't help us, we will bicker forever. But we don't want to start fooling around and looking for another partner. We have the children to think of.
To: Texas Songwriter; eyespysomething
Good thoughts in this post. I hope it comes to pass.
posted on
07/01/2005 8:31:46 AM PDT
(America is the Last Beach)
To: Hacksaw
Amen! We don't need a latino who is an open borders advocate like Bush's attorney general. This latino attorney general openly called the minutemen, "vigilantes".
posted on
07/01/2005 8:31:48 AM PDT
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