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To: Preachin'
Do you deny that they have positioned themselves to block the votes for a pro-lifer to the whole senate for an up or down vote.

They being these 7 Pubbies? Yes, I deny it. Their position is no different now than before the deal.

1,526 posted on 06/09/2005 5:07:28 AM PDT by Coop (In memory of a true hero - Pat Tillman)
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To: Coop
They being these 7 Pubbies? Yes, I deny it. Their position is no different now than before the deal.

Still, those seven did continue to condone the current senate rule that did not come to be until approximately 200 years after the ratification of the US Constitution.

It's not just about those seven. Where was Frist? He continued to push back the votes one week at a time per the expectations mentioned along the way in the media.

He did this simply to have a tool to use against McCain in the 2008 presidential primaries. I'm sure you agree with that. He should pay for that on election day.

Where was the chairman of the GOP? He can get an interview on national TV almost any day during political scenarios like this.

Where was the party when it came to stirring up the base to place pressure on the seven.

The party used the evangelicals to keep their majority in the congress, and then they stabbed us in the back for their own political ambitions. I won't stand for it.

NOTE: I'll be away from my desk for a few hours and leave for home early today. I may not get to respond back to you. I've enjoyed our conversation. God bless you.
1,529 posted on 06/09/2005 5:20:36 AM PDT by Preachin' (Georgia finally saw the light in 2000.)
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