The second amendment as it was written was taken away a long time ago. The first time someone had to get a permit for a gun or buy one with a traceable serial number the second amendment was no more
This is quite true politically speaking. But from a practical stand point of the population having enough arms available to it to be able "protect... rights" as you said in #41, it is still in full force across most of America. Thus I concluded that either you think that government has not taken away any of your rights, or your claim to be able to protect them was hollow.
No flame is intended here. As I see it, strategic visions need to be solidly grounded in the reality of the situation. The second amendment will protect us from sudden drastic usurpation of our rights. But it affords little real protection against the gradual usurpation. That kind of protection comes with a readiness to engage in the war of words.
As a martial artist, I'm sure you are aware of the necessity for training and sparring in friendly battles for preparedness. The same is true in the war of words. Sparing here with allies over petty differences, helps prepare ones self, as well as opponents here, to do battle with real enemies later. As a sparring partner, you help your opponent prepare. Assuming at the get go that an other is probably right and oneself wrong, is a disservice to all concerned.