Now we'll see if Frist is a man of his word.
The agreement was for judicial fillibusters - this isn't a judicial appointment.
If they actually use the nuclear option in the Senate I will be checking for sunrise in the West the next morning.
Sorry, but the Nuclear Option only deals with judicial nominations. Frist never promised to eliminate filibusters on any other issues or nominations.
Frist is bound by his word that the nuclear option was only regarding "judicial appointments."
Frist will not win on this one. I suspect the 7 Rinos are lined up with Voinovitch and will betray Frist. The WILL NOT vote for the nuclear option. Take that to the bank.
Make the Dems stand at the microphone 24/7 and keep talking.
McLame said that "he is a good man" on I'nanass this morning. I guess he is. La-la-la.
Toilet paper has more meaning than the Constitution. Welcome to the socialist republic.
Any one of you who votes for Frist, McLame and that A-Hole from the Carolina's is an idiot.
The lib's in Northern VA. and NN will try to reelect Warner. I only wish Ollie could have gotten more support.
My friends, I apologize. I was one of the Freepers who was optimistic about the judges deal. Although I supported the constitutional option, I thought the filibuster deal would bring new bi-partisanship.
Boy was I wrong!
Democrats are proving that they can still press the button when they need to. And we better believe that they will for Supreme Court nominees.
I apologize. I was wrong.
Nuclear option all the way!
Frist will take the coward's way out and do nothing. The repubs are so stupid, trusting the democrats is like trusting the North Koreans. How many more times will the pubs fall for those democrat lies? I wonder how this would have played out in the MSM today if the roles had be reversed? I think we should send some monkeys, goats and jellyfish to the house and senate so we could get something honest done. NSNR