If we are to aceept the author's proposition (and, actually, I do) that there are but two possible courses for European history to take, then the implications are sobering.
If the only alternative to check Islamic rule in Europe is "facism", then we of the West must embrace it. Euro-Christian [caucasian-based] facism must be welcomed (regardless of the distaste in our mouths and hearts) and encouraged to drive the Muslims from Europe with as heavy a hand as necessary, a la Charles Martel. It was not long ago, the Serbians saw the dangers of Islam in Kosovo, and undertook similarly drastic steps to reverse its growth. We stopped them from doing so. Who rules Kosovo today? And what is being done to those traces of Christianity - and the Christians - that remain?
Once The Expulsion has been accomplished, perhaps _only_ after that has come to pass, we then must take whatever actions required to break down Eurofacism and restore democracy and as much as a rule of law and respect for the individual as we might.
If - on the other hand - we _prevent_ the Eurofacists from coming to power, and if we _prevent_ them from expelling the Muslims from Europe by whatever means are required (and I would like to emphasize, _whatever means are required_), then we of The West will doom the Christians of Europe to the same fate as those of Kosovo.
I know which side I'm on. I know which course of history I prefer.
How about you?
- John
Of the options you give, I'm with you. However, I would like to believe (fantasize?) that younger generations of Muslims can be educated to realize the truth about Islam - as former Muslims, like Ali Sina, have realized. Yeah, I know...keep dreaming.