figured you'd want to see this topic. :')
Iranica -- Elam
"The Igihalkid dynasty (ca. 1400-1210 B.C.E.). Until quite recently the Igihalkid dynasty seemed one of the best known in Elamite history. It was believed (e.g., Stolper, 1984, pp. 35-38) that, following a raid by the Mesopotamian Kassite ruler Kurigalzu II (1332-08 B.C.E.) against a certain Hurpatila, king of Elam, Igi-halki seized power, in about 1320, power that he than passed on to his six successors, the most celebrated of whom was Untaæ-Napiriæa, who built the famous ziggurat at Ùog@a Zanb^l (ca. 1250). This period ended with Kidin-Hutran, who put an end to the grandeur of the Kassites by winning two victories over Enlil-nadin-æumi (1224) and Adad-æuma-iddina (1222-17)."
I certainly do. We talked about the Parthians in the history class I teach, just two weeks ago. Any idea what the blindfold and gag were for? Perhaps the guy had been executed by the state.
At any rate, I see some theories, and maybe even a story coming out of this. In Egypt, for example, the finding of a mummy who may have been buried alive (Unknown Man E) was the inspiration for all the horror movies about mummies.