How many Americans came overseas from Indigeny?
Slapping my hand against my forehead and screaming....
Columbus never met American Indians. EVER! They had a 90% infant mortality rate. They were Neo-Lithic.
John Kerry spoke in support of the idea, before he voted against it.
"many Indians view his arrival in the Americas as a tragedy"
Yeah, so? Get over it.
Stupidity knows no bounds.
Portland has turned into a leftist sinkhole
Columbus didn't meet any indians in America. He landed in Hispanola didn't he? BTW, he came to my mother's country and called it Trinidad. I'm glad that's all the involvment Spain had with my mother's country. Spanish colonies aren't anything to write home about.
I wonder if the, no doubt, PC people who come up with terms like "Indigenous People" and "Native American" realize how "Eurocentric" those names are? It's really quite funny. Anyway, I was born in the US and consider myself a "Native American" and "Indigenous".