Which makes you the irrational ideologue who has a minimal understanding of Florida law.
My whole essay avoids judgment of the family members.
Right, which is a tacit admission that you neither understand the issues in general or the Florida statutes in particular. Which necessarily means you wrote from ignorance.
The focus is on the involvement--inappropriate involvement, in my estimation--of groups with agendas, turning Terry Schiavo into an ideological football.
LOL, everybody has an agenda. You obviously have an agenda but you simply think your agenda trumps everybody elses agenda. A pluralist country encourages "agendas' in the public square so discourse can follow. That's how America works, comprende?
You obviously have no problem with that misuse of a family tragedy.
Ad hominem doesn't bother me, it simply means you've got nothing to offer. Such is life.
You seem to think that having a verbal response to everything makes a point. It doesn't.
My essay, again makes the essential distinctions, whether you like them or not. It will be judged not by what you say, or by what I say about it; but by how well it resonates with the individual readers.
I am going to dinner. But anyone interested can judge for themselves: Terry Schiavo: An End To Rational Analysis?
Well they are talking about how much good they are doing on this thread. I agree.. exposing their ignorance and prejudice against those less fortunate.