Ya just know Hillary is behind curtain No. 1. Her big speech about the living constitution a while back was so half-a** backwards, I'm surprised she didn't get laughed off her pedestal by her own.
But, she's got the FBI files and I'm sure tons of dirt on everyone. If people go to jail to protect her and his butt, what else can one think.
Why do I think Foster was going to squeal and Brown was considering fessing up.
The more I hear and the more I think about it, the Dems will meekly give an up and down vote to a couple of Bush's nominations WITHOUT using a filibuster. Why? Because the numbers of pro-abortionists have changed. (Note Hillary's BIG drive to cut the numbers of abortions )via payments of course - The Dem solution to everything).
The numbers on Enviro-Nazis has changed also and with oil prices up the kazoo, we're going to become "practical" environmentalists aka "common sense". We have a huge population with huge needs. Wonder how many of those enviro nazis live in a mud house and cook outside with twigs.