OK maybe I'm missing something but why does everyone keep referring to the Mayan calendar? I've seen references to it on other websites also and I'm just wondering why so many people are putting such stock in it? What else has the Mayan's done for prophecy? Just a question.
Also, I dont think the AntiChrist is anyone that we see on the seen now. Not to sound like a Star Wars hokey, but I think he is back there pulling the strings (a phantom menace of sorts) and will come to the scene by some sort of catastrophe that will throw the economies of the industrial nations into a tailspin. I think thats the only way people from the US would ever fall into any trap like that.
Back on post #81, EstherRuth listed the signs of the anti-Christ, and one of them was changing the calendar. That's the only thing I know about it.
One of the references I ran across tried to link John Paul the Great with this whole nonsense. It was a rambling essay, connecting the final writings of the late great Pope (obviously, as he neared death, his writing became more 'eschatological') with this New Age/Mayan/pagan/other religion hoopla about the 'end times.' My guess is that such thinking would make the poor man turn in his grave (no disrespect intended!).
(sarcasm on) Apparently, in the year 2012, the solar system in which we reside will reach a position that faces the center of our Milky Way galaxy, which is energized by a gigantic black hole. Dont'cha get it, now! BAM! (And I don't mean Emeril!) "A new heaven and a new earth..." I believe the date is December 21, 2012. Then again, the world was supposed to suffer cataclysmic floods and a polar shift on Cinco de Mayo (May 5) in the year 2000.
I wish I had the reference readily available (it may be in my March 2005 files).
We'd better watch out for those near-earth asteroids, too!
Honk if you think Biffi is spiffy.