Paying off your credit card balance every month is the wisest course as it incurs low risk and builds excellent credit.
BS.. you don't understand credit or risk if you believe that.
Anytime you owe someone anything you are at risk, I don't care if its for 30 days or 30 years... you cannot know the future.
Secondly Credit Cards don't help "build your credit" that's hogwash... What exactly are you building your credit for? A leveraged buyout of GE?? No. For most folks the major need for "credit" is to get a Home or Car Loan.. and guess what you DON'T NEED 1 DAY OF CREDIT TO GET EITHER OF THEM, LET ALONE CREDIT CARD DEBTS or HISTORY! That is an absolute LIE, and people that spread that kind of garbage are why that LIE becomes accepted as truth when it is ANYTHING BUT!
DEBT has risks, and There is NOTHING WISE about using DEBT for consumer purchases. The safest and lowest risk there is is to SAVE YOUR MONEY AND PAY CASH! Want to build your credit? PAY CASH FOR YOUR BILLS ON TIME! You don't borrow to pay it off and think that's helping your credit, that's a LIE!
You walk in to get a mortgage and you can show you have been paying your rent and utilities on time with cancelled checks or money order reciepts... It's not gonna matter one IOTA if you have no credit cards... in fact open lines of CREDIT count against you when you get a mortgage, because the bank assumes you are going to run them up to their max, so you can borrow LESS for your mortgage.
Stop listening to morons about what wise, and what helps your credit. They are LYING TO YOU, and you are perpetuating the lies. Now their lies may not be lies of conscious, they may actually believe the crap they are telling you.. but what you are being told is CRAP.
The ABSOLUTE SAFEST AND WISEST WAY to live your life is to SAVE AND PAY CASH... anyone telling you otherwise is just full of it. I don't want to hear about your free hat or your 1% cash back... I don't care how "responsible" you have always been.. its all crap.. You get hit by a bus tommorrow are laid up in the hospital for a few weeks, the interest you will pay for that 1% cashback will be more than all those rebate checks you have ever recieved....
Borrowing money for consumption is DUMB, DON'T DO IT!