To: TheBigB; NautiNurse
3 posted on
04/04/2005 8:29:45 PM PDT by
(Rumsfeld for President - 2008)
To: Perdogg
UNC #1"
Blzbba $280!!
Trivia question: Who was the last team to beat the national champs?
Answer: My alumni at Georgia Tech! (I still picked UNC to win my bracket pool, though!)
9 posted on
04/04/2005 8:31:30 PM PDT by
(Don't hate the player - hate the game!)
To: Perdogg
Helluva game. I had UNC winning it all in my office pool, and if Louisville had beaten Illinois, I'da won the whole thing. *sigh*
11 posted on
04/04/2005 8:31:41 PM PDT by
(Need a thread hijacked? Call TheBigB! 24 hours a day...reasonable rates...inquire within...)
To: Perdogg
Congratulations, Perdogg. And congrats to Roy, too.
26 posted on
04/04/2005 8:43:13 PM PDT by
(John Paul II was.... a fearless champion of human freedom and a culture of life.-VP Dick Cheney) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson