>>>How convenient for all of you. Only Jeb Bush is in the position to break the law to satisfy you. When it comes to the possiblity of any of you risking anything, you always look to your left and right - never in the mirror.
"Shut up" yourself.<<<
You didn't look at that list. You just made an irrational attack called, "Ad Hominum".
This once again shows the lack of intelligence that you posess, due to your continued use of a irrational claim. Please take a basic logic course and learn to understand the part that logical fallacy and "(r.t) play in the world of thought.
But of course, you wouldn't engage in ad hominem attacks.
For someone "posessing" intelligence so superior to mine, you ought to learn how to spell. Do that, then come back and insult me some more...m'kay? Moron.
Attacking her intelligence - That's rich, coming from you, especially after your resorting to the 'highly intelligent' tactic of saying "Shut up"...