Perhaps there have been no replies to your comment because it didn't warrant being dignified with one, but I shall reply on the off chance that you or some other misguided person will learn from it.
Cruelty to animals is a crime.
Cruelty to prisoners is a crime. Even here in civilian life.
Starvation and dehydration is cruel
Even after a person is convicted of the most heinous crime they not only are well fed, get medical treatment -- and extraordinary measures like transplants -- they get 20 to 25 years of appeals after they are sentenced to death. It seems every court in the country gets to review every minute bit of evidence, testimony, and law. Then they do it again.
Why the rush to murder an innocent woman? She'd be treated better and have her rights defended better if she were a murderer instead of the (possible) intended victim in this case. And yet, her would be killer has been awarded almost $2 million for her care which he spent on attorney fees trying to kill her and on a bimbo who carried two of his spawn.
Tell me that his obvious conflicts of interest shouldn't disqualify him for guardianship. A five year old could tell you that what her husband is doing is wrong. Why you and the judge can't is beyond me.
No living constitution people here -- just those who believe that some of the legitimate functions of government is the protection of innocent life and the rights of its citizens.
I don't know, I'd like to know the answer to that as well. A question that has gone unanswered...Why the mad dash to destroy the Constitution? I thought Liberals only did that sort of thing.