Wow. Those are some stories.
Re the female officer - was this crime solved by looking at the perp's teeth/bite marks on the victim? I think saw a show about this as the first use of forensic dentistry.
It was a sad story because she was so new to the job, but I had to think, why would they put women guards w/such rough guys? You'd think they'd use them in women's prisons.
Yes. And you may be thinking of the HBO Autopsy programs with Dr. Badden. They covered the forensic findings in that case. The officer's name was Donna Payant.
When I started in '80, there were only 3-4 of us females working at Auburn, which is an all-male maximum security prison in central New York. At the time there were only two females prisons in the state...Bedford HIlls and Albion. Because there were only so many officer positions at each facility, you had to go where the openings were. Back then you had to have a year on the job in order to be able to transfer to a facility closer to your home. The regular academy program was six weeks, but because of staffing demands, the group of officers Donna Payant was in only had 3 weeks of academy training. When I was hired, I didn't even go to the academy until 9 months after the fact. By then Payant had already been killed. Right after she was murdered, they went back to the six week program, which was what I finally ended up going through. I never worked at a female facility, only with males. I actually preferred working with male inmates. I have two sisters, and before becoming a prison guard I worked in office situations with other women. I've heard that female inmates are worse than the men and I'm rather glad that I never had to deal with them. I can't really recall ever feeling threatened by an inmate. You just always had to be aware of your surroundings, who was around you and keep your wits about you. I never allowed them to intimidate me, never backed down from any of them, and got in their faces when I needed to. I'm sure many of them wanted to punch me out, but none of them did. I did get sucker punched in the jaw once during a yard riot. It was dark though and I never saw which inmate in the crowd popped me. That was the only real assault I ever experienced in over 23 years, so I consider myself pretty lucky.