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Parents: 4th-Grade Girl To Become Boy
WCVB-Boston ^ | 3/4/2005 | Associated Press

Posted on 3/4/2005, 3:35:11 PM by cwiz24

Parents: 4th-Grade Girl To Become Boy Mom Says Youngster Has Male Brain

METHUEN, Mass. -- A fourth-grader who was attending a Methuen elementary school as a girl before February vacation has returned to school as a boy.

The parents of the 9-year-old child said the youngster was born with the body of a girl, but the brain of a boy.

They have asked that he be referred to and treated as a boy by teachers and other students, and school officials are accommodating the request. The parents have even changed the child's name.

The child's mother told The Eagle-Tribune that the family made the decision after consulting with medical professionals. She said the child is still biologically a girl.

The mother has requested that the family not be identified to protect the child.

School Superintendent C. Phillip Littlefield said there is nothing harmful about the child being in the school.

TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: Massachusetts
KEYWORDS: bluestateideals; boston; childabuse; confused; cpswatch; dss; dumbparents; homosexualagenda; liberalfreaks; massachusetts; methuen; paulcjesup; students; transgender
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

You don't talk about me behind my back and I won't. But if you do, I'll called you on it.

421 posted on 3/7/2005, 1:19:57 PM by Paul C. Jesup
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To: Paul C. Jesup; Admin Moderator

What part of


422 posted on 3/7/2005, 1:56:07 PM by DirtyHarryY2K (''Go though life with a Bible in one hand and a Newspaper in the other" -- Billy Graham)
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To: DirtyHarryY2K; Admin Moderator
DirtyHarryY2K: Read #415, That appalling absurd nonsense is just as bad, The perverts and their enablers/cheerleaders deny reality altogether. No amount of desire, fantasy, biological experimentation, or barbaric physical/psychological/chemical manipulation/mutilation will change a girl into a boy or vise versa. It's disconcertingly disappointing to see this type of perversion allowed on the forum.

DirtyHarryY2K, what part of stop talking about me behind my back do you not understand?

423 posted on 3/7/2005, 1:58:43 PM by Paul C. Jesup
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To: August West
Please read my post #228. On second thought, I'll quote it for you:

Please note that in my previous posts, I made a clear distinction between medical transsexuality and simple perversion. There is a difference. it's something akin to the difference between someone who is mildly mentally retarded and someone who is simply too lazy to learn.

Simple perversion (ie, homosexuality, etc) is a behavioral choice. There is medical evidece to prove that transsexuality, like hermaphroditism, (not cross-dressing, homosexuality, or any other simple perversion) is a medical condition and should be treated as such.

424 posted on 3/7/2005, 1:59:38 PM by Terabitten (A quick reminder to the liberals. The election in Iraq was done NOT IN YOUR NAME.)
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To: punster
CAT scans don't work for soft tissue analysis, not enough contrast. The other possibilities, MRI and Nuclear Medicine scans probably do not work because they may not be able to resolve a structure as small as the BTSC region. The only way that such studies have been done, is post mortem with dissection of the brain

I stand corrected. Thanks for the technical input.

425 posted on 3/7/2005, 2:00:54 PM by Terabitten (A quick reminder to the liberals. The election in Iraq was done NOT IN YOUR NAME.)
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To: Terabitten

Wouldn't it been better to treat the mind than to butcher the body?

426 posted on 3/7/2005, 2:12:01 PM by August West (To each according to his ability, from each according to his need...)
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To: bigLusr

I would be perfectly fine with your children, not to worry. I have 10 grandchildren of my own. I'm only repeating what the documentary was explaining. The one child they were discussing wasn't just 'wanting' to be a girl. He was very insistant. It's NOT normal for sure. The parents are devastated. I believe these things are demonic in nature, certainly not normal. But it's happened on and off for years. I think it seems more prominent now because people are speaking out about it. These children really feel they are in the wrong body. It's very sad for everyone concerned.

427 posted on 3/7/2005, 2:16:08 PM by Marysecretary (Thank you, Lord, for FOUR MORE YEARS!!!)
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To: August West
Wouldn't it been better to treat the mind than to butcher the body?

Sure, if the mind (as opposed to the brain) had anything to do with it.

Maybe one day we'll be able to do BTSC transplants, but we're not there yet.

428 posted on 3/7/2005, 2:33:34 PM by Terabitten (A quick reminder to the liberals. The election in Iraq was done NOT IN YOUR NAME.)
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To: cwiz24

If I Only Had a Brain

I could while away the hours
Conferring with the flowers
Consulting with the rain.
And my head I'd be a-scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.

429 posted on 3/7/2005, 3:01:51 PM by Ellesu
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To: DirtyHarryY2K

What you said:

"The perverts and their enablers/cheerleaders deny reality altogether. No amount of desire, fantasy, biological experimentation, or barbaric physical/psychological/chemical manipulation/mutilation will change a girl into a boy or vise versa. It's disconcertingly disappointing to see this type of perversion allowed on the forum."

You are right.

430 posted on 3/8/2005, 7:10:56 AM by little jeremiah (Resisting evil is our duty or we are as responsible as those promoting it)
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To: xm177e2

All that told me was that if you castrated a mouse on day one of it's birt and injected it with hormones, it would alter. If you left the testes in, however, it would remain masculine.

All you "answer" did was prove my point.

Unless "She" was more of an "it" (which a statement like "She's still biologically a girl" would disagree with) then hormones alone would do nothing, even at an early age.

Thank you for your post, sorry it took so long, went out of town.

431 posted on 3/11/2005, 1:12:58 AM by MacDorcha (When I say "democratic" I don't mean "Athenian Mob Rule")
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