To: MindBender26
She has to, because she will have no other shot at the presidency. She won't win, though.
3 posted on
03/02/2005 1:15:31 AM PST by
Ruth A.
To: Ruth A.
She will win.
Fraud, felons and fear. The fix is in.
Try to to wrap your mind around it and keep your powder dry.
20 posted on
03/02/2005 5:53:00 AM PST by
(Tagline comment removed by moderator)
To: Ruth A.
She won't win, though. If you can promise me that...I will personally send you a Ben Franklin.
Under the right ( wrong ) circumstances...I could "see" the Sheeple electing that lying, broom-flying, traitorous, Marxist.
I hope you are right....but I know you can't really promise it......LOL!!
63 posted on
03/02/2005 10:20:28 AM PST by
Osage Orange
(I'm a man, I can change, if I want to...Maybe.)
To: Ruth A.
No, she can't win, but it is going to be fun watching her crash and burn. Just like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz...poof...going up in a cloud of blue smoke...Cant' wait!
Even if some OTHER Democrat beats a Republican presidential candidate, it will still be a win for Republicans. (Not the total victory we would hope for, but a victory just the same. It would put the kibosh on Evita for good and all, I hope!)
81 posted on
03/02/2005 11:21:26 AM PST by
To: Ruth A.
She has to, because she will have no other shot at the presidency. She won't win, though. Are you sure?
Do you think that the GOP selection might have any impact on that outcome?
84 posted on
03/02/2005 11:32:41 AM PST by
(Quinn's First Law -- Liberalism ALWAYS generates the exact opposite of its stated intent., I'll als)
To: Ruth A.
Please, share your confidence with me. I've been frightened of a presidential run by the senatrix, and the closer it gets, the worse I feel. Evil is as evil does, and Hillary has more evil connections and strings than the Internet.
To: Ruth A.
She has a good chance to win, in my opinion.
from Hillary's Secret War, by Poe, p. 65:
"'Collin's exclusive interview with Tripp appeared in the December/January 2001 issue of George...
"After meeting Mrs. Clinton for the first time, I said to a couple of people close to the president, 'She's truly remarkable,' and the response was, 'Eight years for him, eight years for her. That's the plan.' "'
145 posted on
03/03/2005 4:52:07 PM PST by
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