I also been looking deep into these connections. It reminds me of the old movie with Demi Moore "The Seventh Sign", and connecting this major event in Clearwater, Florida with the Fatima 3rd secret.
There are connections and many, many coincidences .
For example: Part of the 3rd secret text, St. Luica who just died on Sunday Feb 13th, 2005 wrote this:
"Throughout history there have been supernatural appartions and SIGNS which go to the HEART of human events and which, to the surprise of believers and non-believers alike, play their part in unfolding of history..."
There's more referance's that seem to connect with this test in Clearwater at this time in history...here's a clue:
I wonder to myself why would a image of a women with no face show-up in Clearwater, Florida ??? Then I started connecting the dots....."It's a test"(In a nutshell) to see if we still have hope, and if we lose this battle..Horrorable things will fly...here's another pic:
There's so much more, but I leave at that...U know why
May 13, Feb 13
Sancta Lucia,ora pro nobis