Completly untrue. Libertarians simply believe that forcing others to believe as they do through coersion is wrong.
The State does not exist to provide you with a giant gun to point at people whose behavior/tastes you don't like. Its only purpose is to protect individual rights- remember "free will"? That's where virtue comes from, and virtue is what made this Republic great.
"Completly untrue. Libertarians simply believe that forcing others to believe as they do through coersion is wrong.
The State does not exist to provide you with a giant gun to point at people whose behavior/tastes you don't like."
Hear, hear!
I agree.
But what are we to do when virtue goes away -- when people define for themselves what is right and what is wrong? Do we stand by and watch the Republic die, in order for a minority of selfish, self-centered, immoral, hedonistic adults to have their way?
Or does the majority draw a line in the sand over which we, as a society, will not cross?
John Adams stated, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, and is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." The re-institution of virtue into our society will make moot the plethora of laws that have arisen to counter the movement towards immorality.
A factually false statement. Liberatarians are for legalizing drugs. That is forcing others (me) to believe as they do through coercion.