Feelings and emotions, ends justify the means, wanting big government in charge of everything to create artificial self-esteem.
Political correctness and freedom of speech, an oxymoron of indoctrinated that liberals love to teach.
Dividing society between race, religion, gender and economic class. They pretend to help but they are only a pain in the ass.
Being friends with socialists over seas is more important to them than terrorism at home. They still think we went to war with Iraq all by ourselves and all alone.
According to liberals only the UN should take on any world affairs. I guess they didnt get that resolution 1441 by the UN was ignored without any cares.
Liberals like to control Academia, Unions, Media and Hollywood to manipulate. They think Americans dont know it is our Constitution they're wishing to eradicate.
They love to tax they want us to pay for their cause; they appoint judges rather than congress to implement new laws.
To them responsibility and accountability should be a thing of the past. Their favorite President presented lying as virtue and to his wife the right wing was very vast.
Supporting the military doesnt seem to be liberals thing. Freedom isnt free and I as an American understand and respect this is what my protectors bring.
Children need role models and they shouldnt be raised by a pop culture. Innocence shouldnt be taken by a dysfunctional societal vulture.
I believe in a two party system and liberals right to exist. I also understand that every morning I wake up there is a threat to our country and I feel safe as long as I am pissed
98% of liberalism is this...No logic or thought necessary.