Right. It's been pretty obvious for some years that
newspaper reporters have either missed much in their
Journalism 101 classes...or...their instructors were
as clueless as they are on how to research info.
Newspaper publishers are living in the past and have
no basis for communicating with their own hirees other
than laying down the law as to what will be published
and what won't; what spin will prevail as the norm for
the organ.
Bloggers have the advantage of keen interest in the
topic at hand and will spend hours researching/tracking
the original threads which set the piece going. Its
just that simple.
Ping-a-ling-a-ling..... Good Morning!!
The colleges teach "activist journalism" from textbooks. They make, break, and coerce these Bolsheviks from the first day of class. None of us would be able to stand the coercion, the bias, the worldview, and the obnoxiousness of the assignments, the books, and the professors.
Only a true believing left wing fascist can emerge from the journalism programs.